Utah Watercolor Society Happy New Year! WFWS 47 ExhibitionCall for EntriesHosted by New Mexico Watercolor SocietyMay 6 – June 5, 2022 Juror and workshop leader: Iain Stewart Click here for prospectus Online registration for Exhibition starts October 1, 2021Deadline for entries is January 10, 2022 Western Federation of Watercolor Societies WFWS annual exhibition is a National Show, open to water media artists who are members of one of the WFWS Component Societies.The workshop is scheduled for May 3-7, 2022. The prospectus and entry registration is available athttps://wfws47exhibition.artcall.org/ You can also view the prospectus on the NMWS website at https://www.nmwatercolorsociety.org/event-4484509 $30 for one entry; $40 for two entries; $50 for three entries. Only one painting may be selected, and must be for sale (25% processing fee deducted from each sale). For the first time this WFWS exhibition will allow an alternative presentation of varnished finish and mat (no plexiglas). Awards Best of Show $1500First Place $1200Second Place $ 900Third Place $ 6006 Cash Awards totaling $1900January 4thZoom Meeting 7:00 pmBack by popular demand!Sherry Meidell and Kristi Grussendorf will give critiques on submitted watercolors. This will be a Zoom meeting!Struggling with watercolor?This will be a great chance to hear Sherry and Kristi discuss what makes a watercolor shine! Time: Jan 4, 2022 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/7910723281?pwd=ODA5Q1Qwbkx2elpTcEZYVnBxK3NwQT09 Meeting ID: 791 072 3281Passcode: artgroup No sketch group in JanuaryJoin Bessann Swanson for thesketching group in FebruaryMeet downstairs at Sons of Utah Pioneers at 6:15 pm February 1st. 2019 Signature/Two Star Best of ShowMe First! by Cara Koolmees Utah Watercolor Society2022 Signature/Two Star Exhibition Anything Goes! March 4 – March 26, 2022Eccles Community Art Center,2580 Jefferson Ave., Ogden, UT 84401 This exhibition open to two star and signature members only.Be watching for further announcements, prospectus, and registration information. Calendar of Events January 24 Online Registration opensFebruary 21 Last day to Register for exhibitionFebruary 25 Deliver Paintings to Eccles from Noon until 4:00 p.m.February 26 Deliver Paintings to Eccles from 10 a.m. until NoonMARCH 4 UWS Reception and Awards Presentation FRIDAY, MARCH 4 FROM 5:00-8:00pm (AWARDS at 6:00 p.m.)March 26 Last day of exhibitMarch 28 Pick up paintings Monday, March 28th from– 10:00am-4:00pm at Eccles Community Art Center KEY DETAILS:· Exhibition dates: March 4, 2022 – March 26, 2022· Delivery for exhibition: Friday, February 25 , 2022 from noon until 4:00p.m. and Saturday, February 26 from10:00 a.m. until Noon to Eccles Community Art Center, 2580 Jefferson Ave, Ogden, UT· Eccles Hours of Operation: M–F 9:00am – 5:00 pm; Saturday 9:00am – 3:00pm· Online entry required, deadline is February 21, 2022 · Go to http://uws2022TwoStar-SignatureExhibition.artcall.org/ to register online· Original water media work completed within the past two years only.· Entry image may be no smaller than 100 square inches and not larger than 22 x 30″· $10 per entry (up to 3) for UWS members with Two Star or Signature status (No refunds for entries that do not follow prospectus guidelines and requirements)· Work is required to be for sale for this show. (35% commission deducted from sales) · Contact Brenda Brunello, for questions: 435-881-5573 text or call or [email protected] January member meetingTuesday Jan. 11, 2022Lester B. LeeDemo: Charcoal portraits on mylarcritique: 6:30 pm – your recent work& display of challenge: – a painting w/buildings meeting and demo: 7:00-8:45 pm lecture hallGreen Canyon High School2960 North Wolfpack Way, North Logan, UTEnter thru north doors, follow signs to lecture hall – masks encouraged CVC January Workshop Fri Jan. 14th 5 – 8 pm& Sat Jan. 15th 9 – 4 pm with Lester B. Lee teaching: charcoal portraits on mylar $40. + $5. materials members $50. + $5. materials non-members please contact: Brenda Brunello at [email protected] or 435.881.5573 to register for class.Masks encouraged.Bring Saturday lunch – bottled water provided. SKY VIEW High School 520 S 250 E Smithfield, UT Enter through north doors Free Sample Kit Opportunity for UWS members! Hahnemühle is excited to offer their FREE SAMPLE KITS OF THEIR NEW COLLECTION WATERCOLOR PAPER to each UWS member.Send your email requests to [email protected]. YOU MUST mention that you are a member of the UTAH Watercolor Society and include your complete mailing address to receive 2) 6” x 8” cold-pressed sample sheets sent to you at no cost via US mail. This offer is only for US residents. The Collection watercolor paper is an acid-free, 100% cotton, vegan surface-sized, mould-made paper. Click here for a demo video of these fine papersActivities and Info NON-UWS ART OPPORTUNITIES Check the UWS website often for additional non-UWS art opportunities Have you heard of Artists Sunday? It is an exciting nationwide alliance formed to encourage consumers to shop online with artists. Artists Sunday is an art-focused shopping day, coming after Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. Their website, https://artistssunday.com/artists/ will explain about artist memberships, which are free, as well as how to apply. Check it out! Local Colors of Utah, a co-op gallery located in Sugarhouse, Utah, has an open call for artists. Local Colors has a wide variety of 2-D art, including oil, watercolor and acrylic, and fractal and traditional digital photography, as well as metal sculpture, ceramics and fiber art. The gallery is also looking for artists working with glass. Prospective artists should have a cohesive body of work, and be prepared to discuss their art with the acceptance committee, once application is accepted. Application and more information can be seen on their website www.localcolorsart.com and [email protected]. DONATE TO THE UWS MARY STRAIGHT SCHOLARSHIP FUND Mary Jane Wright Straight passed away on November 20, 2012. She was a dedicated art teacher, mentor, friend, and contributor to the Utah Watercolor Society. The Utah Watercolor Society awards two scholarships to Utah high school students each year. Winners are selected from those students who are accepted to the annual Springville Museum of Art High School Art Show. In honor of Mary’s memory, the UWS has named our Scholarship Fund for her. A good way to remember Mary’s legacy and to encourage continued education in the arts is to contribute to the scholarship fund. UWS Members: To be included in the UWS eblast, send your information with a relevant image to the Communications Chair at [email protected] before the 20th of each month to go out in the upcoming month’s eBlast and meeting reminder email. UWS MEETING LOCATION Sons of Utah Pioneers Hall (map) 3301 E. Louise Ave (2920 S.) Salt Lake City, UT 84109 First Tuesday of each month. 7-9 pm. (September – June) The Utah Watercolor Society is funded in part by the residents of Salt Lake County through the Zoo, Arts & Parks (ZAP) program. Your support matters. Thank you! Shop www.smile.amazon.com for all of your regular Amazon purchases. Choose Utah Watercolor Society as your charity of choice and Amazon will donate a percentage of all your purchases to the UWS! Every little bit counts. The Utah Watercolor Society (UWS) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the promotion and advancement of art through water media. This email is for your Information. Content and links on this email do not necessarily constitute specific endorsement or sponsorship by UWS. |